Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Turkey Dinner

While shopping at our favorite pet shot (Muttropolis) we came across this:
The legs have velcro on so they dogs can rip them apart. It was on sale so we had to buy it. I can't tell you how amusing it is to come home and see your dog carrying around a turkey leg in their mouth.

It's not as bad as seeing Mickey as I mentioned here. Tucker really loves it. As soon as we velcro them back onto the turkey body...he rips the legs off and runs under the bed with them. The 12 bucks we spent on it have given us plenty of entertainment.


delovelydetails said...

It is Weezer. They also have a pig that has detachable limps. It's quite morbid in my house.

JD 2 B said...


Laura said...

Bailey totally needs that! He has a bear like that and he loves it.

10yearstogether said...

I love that idea! So cute!