Friday, October 12, 2007


I love love love Fridays. It's just a wonderous feeling that comes over you when you realize it's Friday. Mr. Bumblebee gets to come home early today and that just puts me over the moon. I think we are going to try and see a movie but I'd really like to just stay in tonight and relax with the hubby. We'll see. I do wanna see Across The Universe but I know Mr. Bumblebee isn't dying to see it. This weekend we are going to go to the grand opening of Petsmart in the Tustin Marketplace. Tessa's teacher is going to be there and promised that if we brought Tess to show off, we'd get some free stuff. So why not? Then we are gonna take her to the Dog Park in Irvine. Then I think the hubs and me are going to a night of Disneyland. Hey it's free and it's entertaining! Sunday I am hoping to get Mr. Bumblebee to sand down our dining room table and paint it black to give it an antique feel to it. I'm sure I can talk him into this because he's recently gotten a new sander and hasn't used it yet. And hopefully we can get some thank you cards done that have been lingering since the wedding. ::crosses fingers::

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