Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Update on Tess

So my little girl is now one year old!

So sad. This is yet another reason why I am just not parent material. I hate growing up.
From this little thing....

To this cute thing:

The reason she looks so focused is because there is a puppy Sprinkles cupcake in front of her. Oh my gosh, dogs LOVE those things.

Obviously she is feeling a lot better. Her hotspot is gone but it turns out baby has food and seasonal allergies. Luckily, with medication, it's all clearing up.

We take the kids to fashion island a lot for walks since Tess' allergies act up when we walk her in our neighborhood. So the other night we happened to stumble into Muttropolis during a party they were having. We put our names in for a 50 dollar gift card and wouldn't you know it...WE WON!

Well, Tess has just been crazy about the water every time we take her onto Balboa Island and we usually let her swim from the shore into the bay but recently she's been making mad dashes to jump off the dock. I don't see a problem with it but I'm worried about her swimming capabilities. So we decided to use the gift card for a life-vest for her. Here it is...(p.s. she loves it and it works great!)

The girl loves to swim!! We just can't keep her out of the water.

Tomorrow, to change things up a bit, she's going to Doggie Daycare. It's actually more for Tucker than her, she hates it. She'd much prefer to sit on the couch and sleep all day long but we want them to get out and be social. The local dogpark has been closed for a while and so they haven't gotten that as often as they are used to.

::sigh:: I love my girl!


kim said...

I cannot even handle how cute Tess is!

10yearstogether said...

She is one lucky girl!! Sprinkles AND a lifejacket? But I suppose it's something to make up for the poor baby's allergies and hotspots lately.