I love my husband. He's so entertaining. We can make each other crack up until it hurts. This past Christmas, he pulled a winner.
I had mentioned in passing how much I wanted some really nice sized diamond earrings. I had no assumption that I'd actually get them, saving for a house and all.
Well my darling, sweet, thoughtful husband went out on a mission. To fulfill my Christmas wish. We always go to the same jeweler because he treats us well and his prices are reasonable.
So we had to open our gift to each other on the Sunday before Christmas because we weren't gonna be home after that and I didn't feel like dragging all the gifts to our parents' houses. So after we demolish our living room, wrapping paper tornado...I start to talk about how great of a Christmas it was...
Then my darling husband and I play out this scene:
Mr: What's that in the tree?
Me: What? What tree?
Mr: There is something in the tree, looks like a gift...what is that?
Me: ::shrieking at this point:: WHAT?! Where?! I don't see it!? Where!?
Mr: There, don't you see it? Look...see?
Me: ::after searching for about 3 minutes:: What is this???
Mr: Santa must have left it...
Me: Oh gosh...
:: I start to unwrap the small gift box.::
Me: Babe, what did you do...
Mr. Bumblebee is ear-to-ear smiles.
I open the box.
I look at him ::are you joking me?::
Me: Babe?
Mr: You like them?
Me: Do I get the other one next year?
::I'm looking at a single, but beautiful, diamond earring::
I show him the box...
Mr: WHAT?!
Me: Is this a joke?
Mr: Where is the other one?
I realize what happened and start cracking up hysterically.
Mr: They forgot to put the other one in!!!
Me: How come you never checked?
Mr: Well, I just supposed that it was like shoes, you know...where they only put on out on display and the matching one is in the back. I thought he'd put 2 in the box after I bought it.
At this point, I'm kissing him all over because I know he is heartbroken that his plan failed.
We talked about it and if the price for one of the earrings was what he paid, I don't think it would be a good idea to purchase the other...not if we are serious about getting a house (hey every penny counts!) We call the owner who gives us this reply:
"I was wondering why you only bought one...I'll give you your money back ::small chuckle::"
I love this man. His heart was in the right place and this will be a great story to pass on to our nieces and nephews (because we aren't having kids!)
That is super adorable! Especially considering my doof of a husband would never even think of doing something like buying me nice jewelry!
What a fun story to have as a Christmas memory.
Maybe next year for Christmas you should get him one very nice cufflink!
OMG - I so thought this story would have a different ending. I'm crying for your one lonely ear.
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