Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Appetizer Recipe from my Auntie!

So my aunt made these for us on Thanksgiving and they are basically the most addicting appetizer you've ever had. So I bugged her and my cousin for the recipe and they are so easy to make...I just have to share. 
You buy one package of bacon, smoky links, some brown sugar, and a tin pan (the most important part!).
Cut the bacon in half and roll each link in the bacon, secure with a toothpick...
 See? Easy...
 Once the whole container is full, throw a ton of brown sugar on top. I'd say a cup. Then put it in a 400 degree oven for 45 minutes or bacon is at the right crispiness to your liking. Stir a few times.
How funny...I don't have a picture of the finished product...that's not something I did on purpose. They are just that good! Thanks Auntie!!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Your cousin did a great job getting you that recipe. Lol. Oops.